السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

எமது இணையத்தளத்திற்கு வருகை தந்துள்ள தங்களை அன்போடு வரவேற்கின்றோம்.எமது வளர்ச்சிப் பயணத்துடன் இணைந்திடுங்கள்

Friday 29 January 2016

Permissiblity of Kissing of the thumbs during Azan ( Adhan) explained(English)

Permissiblity of Kissing of the thumbs during Azan ( Adhan) explained(English)

لحمدللّٰه الذي نورعيون المسلمين بنورعين اعيان المرسلين،والصّلاة والسلام علي نورالعيون سرورالقلب المحزون محمد نالرفيع ذكره في الصلاة والاذان،والجيب اسمه عند اھل الايمان، وعلى اٰله وصحبه والمشروحة صدورھم لجلال اسراره والمفتوحة عيونھم بجمال انواره، واشھد ان لاالٰه الا اللّٰه وحده لاشريك له،وان محمّدا عبده ورسوله بالھدى ودين الحق ارسله صلى اللّٰه تعالٰى عليه وعلٰى اٰله وصحبه اجمعين، وعلينا معھم وبھم ولھم ياارحم الراحمين اٰمين
Kissing the Thumbs on Hearing the Name of the Beloved Prophet:
When hearing the Muazzin proclaim, “Ash’hadu anna Muhammad ar Rasoolullah,” it is preferred (Mustahab) to kiss the two thumbs or the shahaadat finger and place them on the eyes. There are many religious and worldly benefits associated to this, as well as numerous Ahadith documenting its practice. Doing so is even practiced by the Sahaaba, and Muslims everywhere perform it in the belief that it is Mustahab.
It is stated in the book, Salaat al-Mas’oodi:
روي عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم انه قال من سمع اسمي في الاذان ووضع ابھاميه على عينيه فانا طالبه في صفوف القيمه و قائده الى الجنه
”The Noble Messenger is reported to have said, “On the Day of Qiyaamat, I shall search for the person who used to place his thumbs on his eyes when hearing my name during the Adhaan. I shall lead him into Jannat.” [Salat al-Mas’oodi, Vol 2, Chapter 20]
Allama Ismail Haqqi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho writes under the verse 58 of Surah al Maidah,
وضعف تقبيل ظفرى ابهاميه مع مسبحتيه والمسح على عينيه عند قوله محمد رسول الله لانه لم يثبت فى الحديث المرفوع لكن المحدثين اتفقوا على ان الحديث الضعيف يجوز العمل به فى الترغيب والترهيب
“Kissing the nails of the thumbs and the shahadat finger when saying “Muhanunadur-Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has been classified as weak (zaeef) because it is not proven from a marfoo’ Hadith. However, Muhadditheen have agreed that to act upon a zaeef Hadith to incline people towards [good] deeds and instill fear within them is permitted.” [Tafseer Rooh al-Bayaan, Vol 3, Page 282]
Shaami states,
يستحب أن يقال عند سماع الأولى من الشهادة : صلى الله عليك يا رسول الله ، وعند الثانية منها : قرت عيني بك يا رسول الله ، ثم يقول : اللهم متعني بالسمع والبصر بعد وضع ظفري الإبهامين على العينين فإنه عليه السلام يكون قائدا له إلى الجنة ، كذا في كنز العباد . قهستاني ، ونحوه في الفتاوى الصوفية . وفي كتاب الفردوس من قبل ظفري إبهامه عند سماع أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله في الأذان أنا قائده ومدخله في صفوف الجنة وتمامه في حواشي البحر للرملي
“On the testimony (of Prophethood) in Adhaan, it is Mustahab to say “Sallallaahu Alaika Ya Rasoolallah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam on the first and “Quratu Aini bika Ya RasoolAllah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala on the second. Then, place the nails of your thumbs on your eyes and say, “Allahumma Matti’ni bis-Sam’i wal-Basr.” The Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam will lead the person who does this into Jannat. The same has been documented by Kanzul lbaad, Qohistaani and in Fataawa Soofia. Kitaabul-Firdaus states that the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has said, I shall lead into Jannat the person who kisses his thumbnails when hearing “Ash’hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasoolullah. I will also place him amongst the ranks of the inmates of Janna’. The complete discussion on this has been given in the marginal notes on Bahr ar-Raaiq of Ramli.” [Radd al Muh’tar, Baab al-Adhan, Vol. 3, Page 233]
This extract has given the reference of 5 books Kanz al-Ibaad, Fataawa Soofia, Kitaab al-Firdaus, Qohistaani and the marginal notes on Bahr ar-Raaiq. All of them have ruled this practice to be Mustahab.
In the book “al Maqasid al Hasanah Fil Hadisil Atwirah Alas Sunnah”. Imam Sakhawi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states,
ذكره الديلمي في الفردوس من حديث أبي بكر الصديق أنه لما سمع قول المؤذن ( أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله ) قال هذا وقبل باطن الانملتين السبابتين ومسح عينيه فقال ( من فعل مثل ما فعل خليلي فقد حلت عليه شفاعتي ) ولا يصح
“Dailmi reports that Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho once said ‘When I heard the Muazzin say Ash’hadu anna Muharnrnadar-Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, I said the same, kissed the inner-side of my Kalima finger and placed it on my eyes. When the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam noticed this, he said. My intercession becomes obligatory upon he who does the same as my beloved.’ This Hadith hasn’t reached the classification of Sahih.” [al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 384]
Quoting the book Moojibaat ar-RaHmah, Imam Sakhaawi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho further writes.
عن الخضر عليه السلام أنه من قال حين يسمع المؤذن يقول أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله مرحبا بحبيبي وقرة عيني محمد بن عبد الله ثم يقبل ابهاميه ويجعلهما على عينيه لم يرمد أبدا
“It is reported from Hadrat Khidr Alaihis Salam , “If a person says “Marhaban bi-Habibi Quratu Aini Muhammad ibn Abdullah” when hearing the Muazzin say “Ash’hadu anna Muhammadur-Rasoolullah, then kisses his thumbs and places them on his eyes, never will they (the eyes) be sore.”
[al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 384]
He further writes that Abul Abbas Ahmad said that Muhammad ibn Baabaa, narrating his personal experience, states.
أنه هبت ريح فوقعت منه حصاة في عينه فأعياه خروجها وآلمته أشد الألم وأنه لما سمع المؤذن يقول أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله قال ذلك فخرجت الحصاة من فوره
Once, due to a heavy wind blowing, a pebble hit my eye and refused to come out. I experienced major pain because of it.” When Muhammad ibn Baabaa heard the Muazzin say “Ash ‘hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasoolullah, ” he said this “Quratu Aini … ‘and, immediately, the pebble fell out.” [al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 384]
Allama Shams Muhammad ibn Saalih Madani Alaihis Salam reports Imam Amjad to have said.
من صلى على النبي إذا سمع ذكره في الاذان وجمع أصبعيه المسبحة والابهام وقبلهما ومسح بهما عينيه لم يرمد أبدا
“If the person who hears the name of the Noble Messenger SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam in the Adhaan joins his Kalima finger and his thumbs,” “Kisses and places them on his eyes, never will they be sore.” [al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 384]
Imam Amjad Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho who was an accomplished scholar in Egypt, further states, 
بعض شيوخ العراق أو العجم أنه يقول عندما يمسح عينيه صلى لله عليك يا سيدي يا رسول الله يا حبيب قلبي ويا نور بصري ويا قرة عيني وقال لي كل منهما منذ فعله لم ترمد عيني
“Some non-Arab and Iraqi Mashaaikh have said that by this practice, the eyes will never be sore.” “From the time I have brought this into practice even my eyes have not ached.” [al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 384]
Ibn Saalih Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states,
وأنا ولله الحمد والشكر منذ سمعته منهما استعملته فلم ترمد عيني وأرجو أن عافيتهما تدوم وأني أسلم من العمى إن شاء لله
“From the time I heard this benefit. I brought this action into practice. Since then, my eyes haven’t become sore and it is my hope that, Insha-Allah, they will never be and I will be saved from being blind.”
[al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 385] 
Imam Hasan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states,
من قال حين يسمع المؤذن يقول أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله مرحبا بحبيبي وقرة عيني محمد بن عبد الله ويقبل إبهاميه ويجعلهما على عينيه لم يعم ولم يرمد
”The eyes of he who says ‘Marhaban bi-Habibi wa Quratu Aini Muhammad ibn Abdullah’ when hearing the Muazzin say “Ash’hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasoolullah and kisses and places his thumbs on them will never pain nor will he become blind.”
[al Maqasid al Hasanah, Hadit 1021, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah (Berut – Lebenon), Page 385]
In short, the book alMaqaasid al Hasanah confirms this practice by many Imams of the deen.
Sharah Niqaaya states,
واعلم انه يستحب أن يقال عند سماع الأولى من الشهادة : صلى الله عليك يا رسول الله ، وعند الثانية منها : قرت عيني بك يا رسول الله ، وضع ظفري الإبهامين على العينين فإنه عليه السلام يكون قائدا له إلى الجنة ، كذا في كنز العباد
It should be known that it is preferable (Mustahab) to say “Quratu Aini bika Ya Rasoolallah and place the thumbs on the eyes when hearing the first part of the second shahaadat. The Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam wilt lead the person who does so into Jannat. Kanz al-Ibaad says likewise.” [Jami’ ar-Rumooz, Fasl al Adhan, Maktaba Islamiya (Iran), Vol 1, Page 125]
Maulana Jamaal ibn Abdullah ibn Umar Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho states in his Fataawa,
تقبيل الابھامين ووضعھما على العينين عند ذكر اسمه عليه السلام في الاذان جائز بل مستحب صرح به مشائخنا
“Taqbeelul-Ibhaamain (kissing and placing the thumbs on the eyes when hearing the blessed name of Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam in Adhaan) not just permissible, but Mustahab. Our Mashaaikh have elucidated this.” [Fatawa Jamal Ibn Abdullah Ibn Umar Makki]
Allama Muhammad Taahir Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho classifying this Hadith as Ghair-Sahih, also states,
وروي تجربة عن كثيرين
“There are many reports of this benefit being experienced.” [Khatima Majma’ BiHar al-Anwaar, Vol 3, Page 511]
There are many other quotations besides these that can also be presented. For the sake of conciseness. we make do with only these. Hadrat Sadr al-Afadhil, Maulana Sayyed Muhammad Naeemuddin Muraadabaai states that a very ancient copy of the Injeel (New Testament) has been discovered. It is known as the Gospel of Barnabas and has been translated into almost every language. The majority of its rulings and laws resemble Islamic commands. It’s written inside that when Hadrat Adam Alaihis Salam wished to see the Noor of the Beloved Mustapha SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam (Rooh al-Quds). The Noor was made bright on the nails of his thumbs. Hadrat Adam Alaihis Salam then kissed and placed them on his eyes out of love and appreciation.
Besides the Ulama of the Hanafi Mad’hab, Ulama from the Shafee and Maaliki Mad’habs have also ruled the kissing of the thumbs (Taqbeel al-Ibhaamain) to be Mustahab. A famous Shafa’ee book of Fiqh, I’aanatut-Taalibeen ‘Alaa Hali alfaazi Fat’hil-Mu’een, states,
ثم يقبل ابھاميه و يجعلھما على عينيه لم يعم ولم يرمد ابدا
“Then kiss and place your thumbs on your eyes. By doing so, never will you become blind nor will your eyes be sore,’ [I’aanatut-Taalibeen, Page 247, Egyptian Edition]
Another famous book of the Maaliki Mad’hab, Kifaayat at-Taalib ar Rabbani Ii Risaalati Ibn Abi Zaid Qeerwaani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho, after saying much about this practice, states,
عينيه لم يعم ولم يرمد ابدا
“Never will the eyes of the person who does so pain, nor will he become blind.” [Kifaayat at-Taalib ar Rabbani, Vol 1, Page 169, Egyptian Edition]
Shaikh Ali Saeed Adawi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho writes in his commentary of this extract,
لم يبين موضع التقبيل من ابھامين الا انه نقل عن الشيخ العالم المفسر نور الدين الخراساني قال بعضهم لقيته وقت الاذان فلما سمع الموذن يقول اشھد ان محمدا رسول الله قبل ابھامي نفسه و مسح بالظفرين اجفان عينيه من الماق الي ناحيه الصدع ثم فعل ذلك عند كل تشھد مرة فسالته عن ذلك ففقال كنت افعله ثم تركته فمرضت عيناي فرئيته صلى الله عليه وسلم مناما فقال لما تركت مسح عينيك عند الاذان ان اردت ان تبرء عيناك فعد في المسح فاستيقظت و مسحت فبرئت ولم يعاود في مرضھا الي الان
“The writer didn’t mention when the thumbs should be kissed. However, it is reported that some people met Allama Mufassir Nooruddin Khorasaani Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho at the time of Adhaan. When he heard the Muazzin say “Ash’hadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasoolullah he kissed and placed his thumbs on the eyelashes and comer of his eyes, right until the temples. He did this on every shahaadat. When the people asked him about this practice of his, he replied, “I used to kiss my thumbs but stopped after a while. My eyes later became sore. I then saw the Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam in a dream and he said to me, “Why did you stop kissing your thumbs and placing them on the eyes during the Adhaan? If you want your eyes to stop paining, resume this practice.” Thus, from then on, I continued this action and gained comfort. The pain didn’t return from the time I recommenced this.” [Nahjul-Istamia, Page 177]
Important Note: Direct narrations and Ahadith have been presented regarding this practice in Adhaan. Takbeer (lqaamat) is in the likeness of Adhaan, and it has even been called Adhaan in the Ahadith. Therefore, kissing and placing the thumbs during the Takbeer is also beneficial and a means of blessings but during Salah or a Khutba or whilst listening to the Qur’an it should not be done!
Not performing it during salah is evident and the impermissibility during listening to the khutba or the Qur’an is because one should have utmost attention at these times and refrain from any unnecessary movements. When the verse Maa kaana muhammadun abaa ahadim mir rijalikum is recited, so many people kiss their thumbs, it is as if birds have gathered to sing and they do it to such an extent that people from afar cannot even hear some words of the holy Qur’an. Even if there is no harm to place the thumbs on the lips and then place them on the eyes at this time; there is no ruling to make a sound during the kiss of reverence – like when one kisses the black stone, the ka’aba, the Qur’an or the hands and feet of the pious. There is no rule to make the noises like a flock of birds.
This entire discussion establishes that kissing and placing the thumbs during the Adhaan, etc. is Mustahab. It is found as the Sunnat of’ Hadrat Adam Alaihis Salam, Abu Bakr Siddique Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho and Imam Hasan Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho. Even Imams of the Shafa’ee and Maaliki Mad’habs have ruled it to be Mustahab. In every era, Muslim deemed this practice to have this very ruling, along with the following benefits,
The eyes of a person who does this are saved from being sore.
1. Insha-Allah, he will never become blind.
2. It is an excellent cure to remove something problematic to the eyes. These benefits have been experienced several times.
3. The Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam will intercede for the one who practices this.
4. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam will also search for the person who used to perform it and lead him into Jannah.
As long as no explicit proof of its prohibition is found, It cannot be stopped. Muslims deeming something preferable (Mustahab) is sufficient proof for it being so. However, for certification of Karaahat (i.e. to deem something Makrooh), a specific proof is needed! So, Calling this practice Haraam is sheer ignorance and an act of prejudice and strait-mindedness of a person afflicted with the blindness of Faith (Eiman). May Allah protect us from falling to this depth of depravity and deviation from the right path… Aameen!!
والله سبحانه وتعالى اعلم ورسوله اعلم بالصواب
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta’ala and His Beloved Rasool Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam knows the best!
Reference Books:
1. al-Ataya an-Nabawiyah Fi Fatawa ar-Radawiyyah [New 33 Volume Edition], Vol 5, Page 429-436 by AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam aHmad Rida al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
2. Munīr al-Áyn fī Ĥukmi Taqbīl al-Ibhāmayn by AlaHadrat Ash-Shah Imam aHmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
3. Ja-AlHaq, Chapter 24 by Hakeem al-Ummah Hadrat Allama Mufti aHmad Yaar Khan Naeemi Radi ALLAHu Ta’ala Anho
[research work includes material from Brother Irfan Qadri ]
Kissing the thumbs upon hearing prophet (s.a.w) name during azaan
A friend of mine has told me that it is permissible to kiss the thumbs upon hearing the name of prophet s.a.w during azaan. I would like to know is it permissible. Also he told me a hadith regarding this. IN A HADITH THE HOLY PROPHET (SAW) HAS STATED: ?any person who hears my name in the azaan and passes his thumbnails over his eyes, i shall search out that person from the rows of poeple on judgement and lead him into jannah behind me”

Answer: 10797
Your Aqaaid of having utmost respect for Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] is correct.
However, it should be borne in mind that Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] is the prophet of Allah. Allah is the Creator, Nourisher and Cherisher. A Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] too is bound by the laws of Almighty Allah Ta?ala and has to express submission and subjugation to Allah Ta?ala. Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] himself said, ?I am but just a humble slave of Allah?.
Nowadays, there are those who surpass the limits of respect with the result of elevating the status of Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] to the status of Allah. Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ?Do not exaggerate in my praises as the Christians exaggerated in the praises of Eesa [alayhis salaam], thus, raising him to the position of God.?
Respect for Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] dictates emulating his teachings. It would be disrespectful to do anything against the Sunnah of Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam].
Kissing the thumbs upon hearing the name of Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] has no basis in Shari?ah. To carry out such an act as a Sunnah is bid?ah and sin. 
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai 
“…Some consider the kissing and placing of thumbs on one’s eyes during the Adhan to be an outright innovation (bid’a) to the point that it has no basis whatsoever in Shariah, and that whoever practices this, regardless of the nature it was practiced in, is committing a major act of Bid’a.
This is something that really needs to be avoided.
Kissing the thumbs and placing them on one’s eyes cannot be considered, in of itself, an outright act of innovation unless it entails something that makes it an act of Bid’a. If one practiced this act out of love for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and due to the narrations of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him), even if the narrations are considered weak, then there would be nothing wrong with that.
The great contemporary scholar Shaykh Taqi Usmani (Allah have mercy on him) also mentions the non-offensiveness of this act in his “Discourses of Islamic Way of Life” thus he states:
“Upon listening to the Adhan in the Masjid, you heard the words “Ashhadu Anna Muhammad al-Rasul Allah” you suddenly felt a deep sense of love for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and in this state of love and ecstasy you kissed your thumbs and placed them on your eyes. This action, in of itself, cannot be considered sinful or Bid’a. The reason being is that you did this out of love for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), and love and respect for the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) is a praiseworthy act and a sign of faith….” (Islahi Khutbat (Urdu), 1/231)
The above statement from one of the renowned scholars of the Deobandi School clearly shows that the act of kissing one’s thumbs and placing them upon the eyes during Adhan is not, in of itself, an act of innovation.
Those who categorically condemn this practice altogether should realize that it is not a baseless act that was invented by some Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent. It is something that is practiced in other parts of the Muslim and Arab world also, such as in Syria and Yemen. If one was to visit the famous city of Syria Halab (Aleppo), one would see many Arab Muslims including scholars kissing their thumbs and placing them on their eyes upon hearing the name of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) during the Adhan.”
Read Here
Deobandi said:
“Allmah Suyuti [rahmatullah alayh] states:
الاحاديث التى رويت فى تقبيل الانامل وجعلها على العينين عند سمع اسمه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم
عن الؤذن فى كلمة الشهادة كلها موضوعات
“Those Ahadith which have been narrated regarding kissing the fingers and rubbing them on the eyes during the Athan when hearing the blessed name [sallallahu alaihi wasallam], are all maudoo [fabricated]’”
[Tayserul Maqaal Al-Suyuti, page 123—1973 edition] 
The fabricated reference to Imam Suyuti was given by A deobandi from India , many decades back and it has been used since. 
The sunni scholars caught that reference from a non existing book of Imam Suyuti long back and deobandis were made to run when just asked to show that book.
The book does not exist and this is an example of another fabrication by Deobandis where thet fabricate a book , then fabricate a quote from that non existing book! Everyhting which is not sahih does not become mawdu by default. This is what Imam Sakhawi (rh) said on this….
Proof: Scan 
He uses the word” la sahih” which does not mean , mawdu.
Imam of deobandi , Mawalan Nawyeli who said that this hadith is mawdu and he attributed to reference to Imam Suyuti.
Mawlana Mohammed Hussein Nelwee al deobandi (Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan), student of Hussein ali (b.1283AH- d.1326AH)(1866CE-1908CE), author of Tafseer bulghutul hairaan) writes in his book “ Khairul kalaam fee takbeelal abhaam”
“ Hazrat Imam Sakhawi has called this hadith as Fabricated”.
^Another deobandi lie to call this hadith as mawdu.
Imam Sakhawi did not call this hadith as “ mawdu”.
This was a brain child of deobandi scholar
Same Deobandi scholar continues and writes:“ Famous Muhaddith Hazrat Hataab (rh ) has also called this hadith as “ mawdu”.
^Another lie by deobandi scholar.
Imam al Hattab ( rh) ( died 954 AH-1547 CE) in his work Mawahabul jaleel sharah mukhtasar khaleel fi furu al fiqh maliki says: “ LA SAHIH”
Mawlana Abul Qasim rafeeq dilawari (died 1379AH-1960 CE, student of Mawalana Hussein deobandi writes in his book “ umaduddeen” that to do this action is a biddah. All the hadith on this topic are fabricated”
Mawalan safadr al deobandi says:
“ if these people have so much love with the name of prophet , then they should kiss the mouth of the muezzin who is proclaiming adhan……”
Mawlana Safadr al deobandi then gives the same fabricated reference and says:
“ Imam Suyuti has called all the hadith on the topic of kissing thumbs as mawdu”
( Rahe sunnat , by mawlana Safdar , page 242-243)
The first person to ascribe a lie towards Imam suyuti (rd ) was Mawalan Basheruddin qanawji ( died 1234 AH-1818CE).
^This man wrote a book “ basaratul aynayn” and in that he mentioned a book of Imam Suyuti with the name “ Taysarul Maqaal”.
He then fabricated a statement and attributed it to the “ non existing” book of Imam Suyuti (rh)
Mawlana Nazeer Hussein Dehalvee ( the wahabi leader in India) uses the same non existing reference and says that Imam Suyuti called this hadith as Mawdu ( Fatwa Nazeeriya )
Mulla Ali Qari (rh) writes in his Maudhuate Kabir:
” when the rafaa’a (ascent) is proved upto Hazrat Siddiq Akbar rd then it is sufficient for practice since the holy prophet ( sal allahu alaihi wa sallam ) has said that this is essential for you to practice my sunnah and that of my honourable righteous caliphs as well”.
Allama Tahtawi writes:
” And such type of Hadiths are practiced upon in regard to ” Fazail”.
( Tahtavi – Alal Miraqi, Istanbul , page 111)
From Mullah Ali Qari – Permissibility of Kissing of Thumbs By Shaykh G.F Hadad
Wiping Eyes with Thumb – Shaykh Faraz Fareed Rabbani
Wiping Eyes with Thumb during Azaan?- Shaykh Faraz Fareed Rabbani

Kissing Thumbs; Deobandi Fabrication
A Deobandi said
“Allmah Suyuti [rahmatullah alayh] states:
الاحاديث التى رويت فى تقبيل الانامل وجعلها على العينين عند سمع اسمه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم
عن الؤذن فى كلمة الشهادة كلها موضوعات
“Those Ahadith which have been narrated regarding kissing the fingers and rubbing them on the eyes during the Athan when hearing the blessed name [sallallahu alaihi wasallam], are all maudoo [fabricated]’” [Tayserul Maqaal Al-Suyuti, page 123—1973 edition] The fabricated reference to Imam Suyuti was given by A deobandi from India , many decades back and it has been used since.. The sunni scholars caught that reference from a non existing book of Imam Suyuti long back and deobandis were made to run when just asked to show that book.The book does not exist and this is an example of another fabrication by Deobandis where thet fabricate a book , then fabricate a quote from that non existing book!Everyhting which is not sahih does not become mawdu by default. This is what Imam Sakhawi (rh) said on this hadith;He uses the word” la sahih” which does not mean , mawdu.Imam of deobandi , Mawalan Nawyeli who said that this hadith is mawdu and he attributed to reference to imam suyuti.Mawlana Mohammed Hussein Nelwee al deobandi ( Sargodha, Punjab , Pakistan ) , student of Hussein ali ( 1283- 1326 , author of Tafseer bulghutul hairaan) writes in his book “ Khairul kalaam fee takbeelal abhaam
“ Hazrat Imam Sakhawi has called this hadith as Fabricated “.
( Truth. This is another deobandi lie to call this hadith as mawdu. Imam Sakhawi did not call this hadith as “ mawdu”. This was a brain child of deobandi scholar)
Same Deobandi scholar continues and writes
“ Famous Muhaddith Hazrat Hataab (rh ) has also called this hadith as “ mawdu”.
( Another lie by deobandi scholar. Imam al Hattab ( rh) ( died 954 AH) in his work Mawahabul jaleel sharah mukhtasar khaleel fi furu al fiqh maliki says “ LA SAHIH” )Mawlana Abul Qasim rafeeq dilawari ( died 1960 CE, student of Mawalana Hussein deobandi) writes in his book “ umaduddeen” that to do this action is a biddah. All the hadith on this topic are fabricated “
Mawalan safadr al deobandi says” if these people have so much love with the name of prophet , then they should kiss the mouth of the muezzin who is proclaiming adhan…… “
Mawlana Safadr al deobandi then gives the same fabricated reference and says” Imam Suyuti has called all the hadith on the topic of kissing thumbs as mawdu “
( Rahe sunnat , by mawlana Safdar , page 242-243)The first person to ascribe a lie towards Imam suyuti (rd ) was Mawalan Basheruddin qanawji ( died 1234 AH) . This man wrote a book “ basaratul aynayn” and in that he mentioned a book of Imam Suyuti with the name “ Taysarul Maqaal”. He then fabricated a statement and attributed it to the “ non existing” book of Imam Suyuti (rh)
Mawlana Nazeer Hussein Dehalvee ( the wahabi leader in India) uses the same non existing reference and says that Imam Suyuti called this hadith as Mawdu ( Fatwa Nazeeriya )Mulla Ali Qari (rh) writes in his Maudhuate Kabir
” when the rafaa’a (ascent) is proved upto Hazrat Siddiq Akbar rd then it is sufficient for practice since the holy prophet ( sal allahu alaihi wa sallam ) has said that this is essential for you to practice my sunnah and that of my honourable rightous caliphs as well”.
Allama Tahtawi writes
” And such type of Hadiths are practiced upon in regard to ” Fazail”.
( Tahtavi – Alal Miraqi, Istanbul , page 111)

Taweez allowed in Islam (English)

Taweez allowed in Islam (English)

Please read the complete article .
We also have Fatwa of Sheikh Ibn Taymiah on this issue , for our wahabi friends.
The defenition of a ta’wiz is simply a written du’a from the Qur’an or ahadith, and is for the one who cannot read or has not memorized that particular du’a. It is written on a piece of paper and is worn around the neck.

We, the Ahl as-Sunna, believe that to wear a ta’wiz around the neck is permissible if the du’a’ contained in it is written from the Qur’an or ahadith. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to recite du’a’ and then blow onto the sick person. The Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also did this and they wrote the du’a’ on a piece of paper and placed it around the neck of a person if they could not read it. Of course, the du’a’s from the Qur’an and ahadith have the power to heal the sick. Some people say that if you wear the ta’wiz you are commiting shirk, but we shall prove, with the help of Allah, that it is permissible to wear a ta’wiz.
The Qur’an Has the Power of Healing
Allah Most High says in the Qur’an:
“…We send down in Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers…”
[Sura Banu Isra’il, verse 82]

Qadi Shawkani writes,
“If the Qur’an’s du’a’s are recited and blown on the sick, they will be cured.When the non-believers recite the Qur’an, their blasphemic disease will be cured”
[Tafsir Fath al-Qadir, under Sura Bani Isra’il, verse 82]

Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write:
“Amr ibn Shu’aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that ‘Rasulu’llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du’a which we would read before going to sleep, to protect us from fear and anguish.We told our elder children to recite this du’a before going to sleep as well.But for those children who were not yet literate, we would write it and then put it around their necks”
[Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol.2; Abu Dawud, in ‘Chapter of Medicine’; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under Sura al-Mu’minun, verse 97; and Qadi Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir, under the same verse]

It is Permissible to Read Du’a and Blow Upon the Sick

Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim write:
“When a person who was sick or in some distress they would go to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) who would then place his hand on the area of pain and recite a du’a’ and then blow onto him”
[Bukhari; Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Imam Muslim writes:
“When the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time,Angel Jibril (peace be upon him) came and recited du’a’ and blew on to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)”
[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
Imam Muslim writes:
” ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) relates that when the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time, she recited Sura al-Falaq and Sura an-Nas and then blew on to the Prophet’s (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hands. The Prophet then blew this onto his own face and body because his hands had more blessing then ‘A’isha’s (may Allah be pleased with her)”
[Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
From the above narrations, it proves that to blow after reciting du’a’s onto the sick is Sunna and the more pious the person is, the more healing power he has because he is blessed more than the less pious.

Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya writes:
“It is permissible to [to recite du’a’s and then] blow upon the sick in Islam, but the words must be from the Qur’an or ahadith. If the words are not, then it is not permissible”
[Ibn Taymiyya, At-Tawassul, Chapter on Blowing onto the Sick]
Q) Some people ask, ‘How is it allowed to blow dua’s onto the sick when some ahadith say this is forbidden?’
A) Allama Sa’idi has written the answer to this question in great detail; he has also included the opinion of all the other great scholars, and we will present this here.
Allama Sa’idi writes:
“Imam an-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim states: ‘There are two types of ahadith concerning blowing. [reciting a du’a and then blowing onto a person]. One of the types is transmitted in Bukhari: ‘There will be people who will enter Paradise without any questioning, who have never been blown upon.’ Imam Muslim has also recorded a hadith in support of those who do not ask to be blown upon. Imam Bukhari in the chapter on Tibb [Medicine] has written du’as that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) recited when doing damm [reciting a du’a and then blowing onto a person]. Imam Muslim states in ‘The Chapter on Virtues of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)’ that: “When our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill, the Angel Jibril came to him and performed the blowing.” The above types of ahadith apparently seem to contradict each other but in reality there is no contradiction.
“The former type of hadith refers to the prohibition of having read something that is not from the Qur’an and Sunna [i.e.something that has pictures, diagrams or words not from the Qur’an or Sunna] and then blow upon someone. The latter types of ahadith which permit damm refer to those kalimat [words or verses] which have been taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)”
[Allama Sa’idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
In the same way as above there are two types of ahadith concerning ta’wiz. There are many narrations that forbid the use of ta’wiz and also many permitting their use.
Imam al-Qurtubi wrote in detail about both types of ahadith concerning ta’wiz:
“The ta’wiz that are forbidden are those ta’wiz from the Time of Ignorance – ]those which are satanic and contain an element of shirk [mantar, voodoo and magic, etc.]. The ta’wiz, which are permitted are those written with du’as evidently from Qur’an and ahadith only”
[al-Qurtubi, at-Tadhkirat, chapter on ‘Ta’wiz’]
Here are the narrations which show the permission for one to wear a ta’wiz around one’s neck:

Allama Alusi al-Hanafi, in his Tafsir of the Qur’an, writes:
“According to Imam Malik ‘It is permitted to put around the neck the ta’wiz written with the name of Allah.’ Imam Baqir also stated that it is permitted to put such a ta’wiz around the neck of a child”
[Ruh al-Mani, chapter 15, under Sura al-Mu’minun, verse 97]

Allama Shami al-Hanafi writes:
“It is permitted to write a ta’wiz and put it around the neck… It would be better if a person recites the du’as taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).But if a person cannot read or is too young to recite then it is permitted for that person to put it around the neck”
[Rad al-Mukhtar, chapter on ‘Qira’at’; Sa’idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter on Tibb]
To conclude, it can be said that those verses that oppose the Qur’an, Shari’a, or the Sunna are forbidden to read and also forbidden to put around the neck.But as for the du’as and verses from the Qur’an and Sunna it is permitted to be written and put around the neck of a small child, illiterate or a sick person.
Imam Ibn Taymiyya writes in his Fatawa: (ta’wizes).
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Hanging or wearing of amulets (ta’wiz) is normally permissible for protection or healing provided certain conditions are met:

 That they consist of the names of Allah Almighty or his attributes;

 That they are in Arabic;

That they do not consist of anything that is disbelief (kufr);

 The user does not believe the words have any affect in themselves, but are empowered to do so by Allah Most High.
It is narrated from Amr ibn Shu’ayb, from his father, from his grandfather (Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas (Allah be pleased with them all), that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) used to teach them (the Sahabas) for fearful situations the following words:
“I seek refuge in Allah’s perfect words from His wrath, the evil of his servants, the whispered insinuations of devils, and that they come to me”
Abd Allah ibn Amr used to teach these words to those of his sons who had reached the age of reason,[COLOR=”Red”] and used to write them and hang them upon those who had not reached the age of reason[ /COLOR]
(narrated by Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi, and Tirmidhi classed it as an authentic narration).
In the Musannaf of Imam Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba, the permissibility of hanging Ta’wizes is reported from many of the Companions and early Muslims (Salaf), including: Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab, Ata’, Mujahid, Abd Allah ibn Amr, Ibn Sirin, Ubaydullah ibn Abd Allah ibn Umar, and others (Allah be well pleased with them all). [See: al-Musannaf, 5.439].
Due to the above, most of the scholars have declared the using of amulets (ta’wiz) permissible as long as the above conditions are met. It is similar to using medication which is permissible and not against the concept of reliance in Allah (tawakkul) or monotheism Tawhid. However, it is not permissible to regard the Ta’wiz to be effective in it self, just as it is not permissible to regard medicines to be effective in them selves.
As for that which is reported from some, including Ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him), that hanging Ta’wizes is shirk, this is understood to mean those Ta’wizes that resemble the one’s used in the days of ignorance (jahiliyya), or if used thinking that it is the ta’wiz itself that cures or protects, not Allah, or if it contains impermissible invocations or one’s whose meaning is not known.
Imam Ibn Taymiyya (Allah have mercy on him) writes in his Fatawa:
“It is permissible for an ill or troubled person, that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink, then it is washed and given to the ill to drink.Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have mentioned a certain Dua that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth.
Sayyiduna Ali (Allah be pleased with him) says: This Dua should be written and tied to the arm of the woman. We have experienced that there is nothing more amazing than this” (Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya, 19/65). 
Imam Ibn Taymiyya’s student Imam Ibn al-Qayyim also narrates the permissibility of using Ta’wizes from a number of salafs including the great Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Allah have mercy on him).Thereafter Ibn al-Qayyim himself quotes various Ta’wizes (Zad al-Ma’ad, 3/180).

In view of the foregoing, it becomes clear that generally using of Ta’wizes is not something that is impermissible or Shirk. However, it is necessary that the above mentioned conditions are met.

Today we have people who are victims of immoderation. There are some people who declare all types of Ta’wizes to be Shirk and Kufr. Others, on the other hand, think Ta’wizes to be everything. Both these types of understandings are incorrect.
Using of Ta’wizes is permissible, but with moderation. Normally it is better to recite the Duas which are prescribed for every problem and illness, and along with that resort to medical treatment. However, if Ta’wizes are used sometimes, then it is permissible.
If there is a fear that a person will begin to think the Ta’wiz to be effective in it self, then he should not be given the Ta’wiz. This will be the decision of the person who is giving the Ta’wiz, and not for us to decide for him.
There are many people who never make Dua and are neglectful of the Shariah injunctions, but always depend on Ta’wizes. For such people, it is better not to give them Ta’wizes, rather to direct them to the straight path.
Once, a sister asked me(Who Creates the Proofs and i copy n paste here from his blog)( Not me haan) to mention to her a Dua or write something for her in order to get married to someone she desired, and she also mentioned that her Duas were not being answered.I asked: “Do you cover your self when you emerge out of your home?” no, was the reply. I said: “Do you perform your Salat (Prayers)?” Again, “no” was the reply. I said: “From tomorrow, you make this special Dua after the Fajr Salat, and you carry on performing this for 6 months, and Insha Allah your Dua will be accepted. Also a very Important Ta’wiz is that you recite a certain Dua and blow on your scarf and wear that scarf when emerging out of your home”!
In conclusion, generally it is permissible to use amulets (ta’wizes) in compliance with the conditions mentioned above. However, if there is something that is impermissible, then it will not be allowed.
The proofs from Sheikh ul Islam of Salafis and Ibn Qayyim who would indeed turn out to be Mushrikeen on many matters (i.e. according to the salafi definitions of course)I would like to add these proofs
عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ، قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ: «عَلَيْكُمْ بِالشِّفَاءَيْنِ: الْعَسَلِ وَالْقُرْآنِ
Translation: Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud (ra) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Make use of the two cures i.e. the honey and Quran [Sunnan Ibn Majah Volume No.2, Hadith No. 3531]
Imam Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rah) said about this hadith:
أخرجه ابن ماجه والحاكم مرفوعاً، وأخرجه ابن أبي شيبة والحاكم موقوفاً، ورجاله رجال الصحيح
Translation: It is narrated by Ibn Majah and Hakim in the Marfu form. It is also narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah and Hakim in the Mawquf form. The men of these ahadith are those of Sahih [Fath ul Bari, Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari (11/321)]
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah says:
Some of our rightly guided ancestors stated that there is no harm if some ayat (Verse) from the Qur’an were written in ink and then washed with water and that the sick person drinks that water. Mujahid issues a statement to that effect and so did Abu Qilabah. It was also reported that Ibn ‘Abbas once commanded that two verses from the Qur’an to be written for a woman who had hard pregnancies and that the verses were then washed with water and she was to drink the water. Also Ayub said, “I saw Abu Qilabah write some Verses from the Qur’an wash it with water and then give the water to a person who was suffering from some type of illness to drink it [Tibb an Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim, Page No. 154, English version]
In the Musannaf of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba, the permissibility of hanging a ta`wiz is reported from many of the Companions and early Muslims (Salaf), including:
حدّثنا أبو بكر قال حدثنا عقبة بن خالد عن شعبة عن أبي عصمة قال: سألت سعيد بن المسيب عن التعويذ فقال: لا بأس إذا كان في أديم.
حدّثنا أبو بكر قال حدثنا يحيى بن آدم قال حدثنا حسن عن ليث عن عطاء قال : لا بأس أن يعلق القرءان
Translation: It is narrated that Sa’eed bin Musayb (one of the top ranking Tabi’i) was asked about wearing Amulets, he said: There is “No harm in doing so” 
Imam al Ata (rah) the Tabi’i and Faqih of Makkah said: There is no harm in hanging (ayahs of) Quran (around the neck) [Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Volume No. 5, Page No. 439]
Mujahid, Abd Allah ibn `Amr, Ibn Sirin, `Abayd Allah ibn Abd Allah ibn `Umar, and others (Allah be well pleased with them all) also narrated it [Musannaf, 5.439]
Another Authentic hadithأَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ إِذَا فَزِعَ أَحَدُكُمْ فِي النَّوْمِ فَلْيَقُلْ أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ وَعِقَابِهِ وَشَرِّ عِبَادِهِ وَمِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَأَنْ يَحْضُرُونِ فَإِنَّهَا لَنْ تَضُرَّهُ وَكَانَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ عُمَرَ يُلَقِّنُهَا مَنْ بَلَغَ مِنْ وَلَدِهِ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَبْلُغْ مِنْهُمْ كَتَبَهَا فِي صَكٍّ ثُمَّ عَلَّقَهَا فِي عُنُقِهِ
Amr ibn Shu’ayb reported from his father, from his grandfather that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “If any of you gets a nightmare, let him say:
I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah against His wrath and His punishment and the’ mischief of His slaves and from the temptations of the devils and that which they bring.
Then they will not harm him.” So, Abdullah ibn Amr used to teach this supplication to his grown up children. And, he wrote it down on something and hung it on the neck of those who had not attained puberty. 

[Abu Dawud 3893 ,sunan tirmidhi Chapter 99, hadith 3539]
أَبُو دَاوُدَ وَالنَّسَائِيُّ وَالْحَاكِمُ وَقَالَ صَحِيحُ الْإِسْنَادِ
Abu Dawood [rah], Nasai [rah] and Al Hakim [rah] said the Isnad is SAHIH 
قال ‏ ‏أبو عيسى ‏ ‏هذا ‏ ‏حديث حسن غريب ‏
Imam Tirmidhi after quoting it said: Abu Esa [rah] said the Hadith is Hasan Gharib